Superior Electrical Services For Properties In Newtown, PA

Since our inception, North Central Electric has been the superior choice for all those looking for reliable electrical support for their properties. We are known as the top tier contracting company when it comes to preventing unwanted power outages, taking the necessary actions to keep your property’s power system functioning at its highest capacity. From 1988 flash forward to today, we vow to be there for you when you need upgraded equipment or regular maintenance for your power systems for your location in Newtown, PA. When you need a hand with high voltage cable testing, transformer assembly, or even SF6 gas handling, we’re here for you!

When You Have Electrical Questions In Newtown, PA, We Have Your Electrical Solutions.

When you’re putting money towards hiring an electrical contractor for your property, it’s important to make sure that this person is highly trained and experienced in all aspects of power systems to guarantee you receive the best possible service. That’s why North Central Electric is widely popular in Newtown, PA, and all across the county: we really know our stuff and bring this knowledge to the job. Our technicians take the time to thoroughly walk you through every maintenance, assessment, testing, and service, making sure you completely understand every aspect of your property’s power system with great confidence. Dealing with sudden power outages can completely throw off your day, let alone, put a strain on your property depending on how severe the situation is. North Central Electric specializes in power outage prevention, taking away any stress or concern you may have during stormy weather. If your property is in need of equipment replacement or a quick repair, trust our technicians to get the job done quickly and efficiently. We’re constantly learning and evolving alongside the power generation industry, making us the perfect candidate for your property. If you have an electrical question, we are your electrical solution!

Want to Learn More About Our Electrical Services in Newtown, PA? 

We know that for most people, topics like Sulfur hexafluoride gas handling or transformer assembly aren’t familiar with them, but are necessary to keep your property’s power system running smoothly. Feel free to get in touch with our professional technicians by calling (215) 945-7632 to learn more about how you can ensure your electrical systems are up to standard.